keeping the
The Inspire Church Covenant is our guide and guard to discipleship at Inspire.
Since we exist to inspire Gospel-centered discipleship everywhere, as leaders we should first and foremost make sure we are keeping the Inspire Church Covenant.
Because we are disciples of Christ. The Inspire Church Covenant was designed to provide a discipleship pathway and hold us accountable to that pathway. We keep the covenant because we are disciples.
Because we are leaders in the Body. As leaders in the church, we are models of discipleship. If we do not lead by example, we will not lead with credibility. We keep the covenant because we lead by example.
Because we are members of Inspire Church. All members of Inspire Church are required to submit themselves to the Inspire Church Covenant. As a leader, you are a model member of the church. We keep the covenant because we are members in good standing at Inspire Church.
Devotion: Have you cultivated a regular habit of studying scripture and prayer?
Community: Are you faithfully participating in Sunday worship services and weekly Inspire Connects?
Generosity: Are you regularly practicing generosity in giving to the mission of Inspire Church?
Health: Are you staying F.R.E.S.H.? (Financially, Relationally, Emotionally, Spiritually Healthy)
Ministry: Are you faithfully serving on an Inspire Team and demonstrating what it means to C.O.M.M.I.T. (Choose joy, Own it, Make people, Make it fun, Integrity & honor, Train others)?
Mission: Are you committed to having meaningful relationships with unbelievers for the sake of the Gospel?
Here are 3 reasons why we keep the covenant:
Below are the 6 Marks of a Disciple at Inspire: